Sparta Seventh-day Adventist® Worship Center

Developing a Relationship with Jesus



Gods Closet Thursday April 27th, From 1:00-5:00 PM.
Free Clothing for the whole Family!


"Free you have recieved, freely give" Matthew 10:8

The purpose of God's Closet is to provide new/ and or quality second hand clothes to the community for free! Christ said, "I was naked and you clothed me" Matthew 25:36. 
We collect new or quality second hand cloths sort them into different sizes (adult, youth, and children), and according to male or female, . They are put out on tables and racks and the community can come in and look for what they need.

Gods closet is tentatively planned to happen every 3 months as God blesses and allows. 
Please check back to this page for future updates.


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